Conflict & Covenant: Tests of Faith
If you want your faith to increase, don't be surprised or disheartened over difficulties that demand it. Muscles of faith grow strong through training and testing that are sometimes painful.
GROUP DISCUSSION. Recall a situation that motivated you to become involved in a struggle for a just cause of some kind.
Abram continues to learn how difficulties grow faith after parting from his nephew Lot. Read Genesis 14.
1. In what way does the political and military situation described in 14:1-4 resemble hostilities we see in the world today?
2. Describe the battle and its results for Lot and his family (14:5-12).
3. When he learns of Lot's capture, what strategy does Abram devise (14:13-16)?
4. Who is Melchizede, and what does he do (14:18-20)?
5. In what way does his blessing help Abram put his victory in proper perspective?
6. Why does Abram react as he does to the generous offer made by the king of Sodom (14:21-24)?
7. What evidence do you find of Abram's growing confidence in God?
8. Read Genesis 15. At this point what is Abram's main problem, and how does he propose to solve it (15:2-3)?
9. In what way would the Lord's message renew the patriach's confidence (15:1, 4-5)?
10. Verse 6 is the first time we read that Abram believed the Lord. Explain in your own words what it means that the Lord "credited it [his faith] to him as righteousness."
11. What new promises by the Lord are given in the covenant he now makes (15:7-21)?
12. If you have ever had to wait a long time for God to fulfill a promise, what did you learn in the process about yourself, the Lord and his way of working?
13. God promised to be Abram's shield and very great reward. Picture God speaking those words to you. How does that promise encourage you in an area you are struggling with?
Thank the Lord for circumstances in your life that can help your faith grow.
Now or Later
Create a "lifeline" depicting your Christian life. Draw a line representing your ups and downs with God over the years. How have you seen difficult circumstances lead to growth over time?
Conflict & Covenant: Tests of Faith
Genesis 14-15
If you want your faith to increase, don't be surprised or disheartened over difficulties that demand it. Muscles of faith grow strong through training and testing that are sometimes painful.
GROUP DISCUSSION. Recall a situation that motivated you to become involved in a struggle for a just cause of some kind.
I just watched an unbelievable documentary/sting of internet sexual predators of children. Several men were chatting w/ 12-13 yr. old children and came to a "bust house" to have sex with them. Everything was filmed.
I went to the website called, "Perverted and read:
"Internet predators come in all shapes and sizes, unassuming looks amongst all of them. This group media bust is unique in that so many respected professionals were uncovered arriving. Rabbi, doctor, teacher... supposed pillars of the community revealed for what they actually are and attempted to do.
We hope the above chat-logs are enlightening and eye-opening, as we are proud to be the only place on the internet where you can see the exact M.O. and verbiage of sick internet predators. Thanks for visiting, and make sure to sign up for our forums where we organize our volunteers. If you have any questions about the site or how we operate, please read our frequently asked questions page."
I am truly considering volunteering to help this organization catch these perverts and make the internet safer for our children!!
Whew!! This is gonna give me nightmares!! O.K. Back to the study.
Abram continues to learn how difficulties grow faith after parting from his nephew Lot. Read Genesis 14.
1. In what way does the political and military situation described in 14:1-4 resemble hostilities we see in the world today?
Certain kings took sides with other kings.
2. Describe the battle and its results for Lot and his family (14:5-12).
The kings seized everything from Sodom and Gomorrah and took Lot captive.
3. When he learns of Lot's capture, what strategy does Abram devise (14:13-16)?
He had courage from God and was prepared at once to rescue Lot. He was willing to act immediately.
4. Who is Melchizedek, and what does he do (14:18-20)?
He was a "priest of God most high" (Hebrews 7:1,2) Four theories about him. 1. Melchizedek was a respected king of that region. Abrom was simply showing him the respect he deserved. 2. The name Melchizedek may have been a standing title for all the kings of Salem. 3. Melchizedek was a type of Christ (Hebrews 7:3). A type is an OT event or teaching that is so closesly related to what Christ did that it illustrates a lesson about Christ. 4. Melchizedek was the appearance on earth of the pre-incarnate Chrsit in a temporary bodily form.
5. In what way does his blessing help Abram put his victory in proper perspective?
Abram realizes that the victory was from God not just his own effort.
6. Why does Abram react as he does to the generous offer made by the king of Sodom (14:21-24)?
Since he took an oath to God, he didn't want it to appear that this king made him rich.
7. What evidence do you find of Abram's growing confidence in God?
Abram wanted to focus on God for the victory and for people to see his confidence relies on God in his life rather than his own efforts.
8. Read Genesis 15. At this point what is Abram's main problem, and how does he propose to solve it (15:2-3)?
Abram was childless and he was going to make a servant in his household his heir.
9. In what way would the Lord's message renew the patriach's confidence (15:1, 4-5)?
The Lord is his shield and great reward. He promised him a real heir and countless offspring.
10. Verse 6 is the first time we read that Abram believed the Lord. Explain in your own words what it means that the Lord "credited it [his faith] to him as righteousness."
We have a right relationship by trusting the Lord. One that is based on faith not deeds. The heartfelt confidence that God is who he says he is and does what he says he will do. Faith and belief in God working in our lives is accredited to righteousness, not the deeds we would do as a result of being saved.
11. What new promises by the Lord are given in the covenant he now makes (15:7-21)?
That the land will be given to his people Although they will be slaves for 400 years, God will deliver them and the nation that does so will be punished.
12. If you have ever had to wait a long time for God to fulfill a promise, what did you learn in the process about yourself, the Lord and his way of working?
I learned that I needed to learn a lesson and that the Lord is perfect in his timing.
13. God promised to be Abram's shield and very great reward. Picture God speaking those words to you. How does that promise encourage you in an area you are struggling with?
I know that whatever I pursue that is in His will for my life and doesn't conflict with His Word in the Bible, then He will be my shield against those who would rise against me and my efforts. A great reward in heaven is worth more than one on earth.
Thank the Lord for circumstances in your life that can help your faith grow.
Now or Later
Create a "lifeline" depicting your Christian life. Draw a line representing your ups and downs with God over the years. How have you seen difficult circumstances lead to growth over time?
Christinewjc, at 9:59 PM
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