Abram's Call: Following God into the Unknown
Suppose God asked you to leave all that is familiar - your home, family, friends - and follow him into another part of the country or world. How would you feel as you said goodbye and moved out into a radically different lifestyle?
GROUP DISCUSSION. Tell about an occasion when you believed God was asking you to take a step involving uncertainty or risk.
PERSONAL REFLECTION. What was the reaction of family or friends to a decision you've made to follow the Lord on a new, perhaps risky, path?
In this study we can learn from the example of Abram as he responds to God's call. Read Genesis 12.
1. In 12:1-5 what command and promise does the Lord give to Abram?
2. Describe in your own words what is involved for Abram and his family to leave their homes and relatives (12:4-5).
3. What do you think his obedience cost him in personal relationships?
4. What additional promise and encouragement does God give to Abram as he arrives in Canaan and how does he respond (12:6-9)?
5. What guidance or encouragement has God provided to you as you followed his call into an unfamiliar and frightening situation?
6. In verses 10-16 how does Abram's scheming show a lack of faith?
7. How does the Lord save Abram from his own deception (12:17-20)?
8. Describe a time when you took matters into your own hands instead of trusting God's faithfulness. What were the results for you and others involved?
9. Read Genesis 13. What problem arises between Abram and Lot in 13:1-7?
10. How does Abram's action here demonstrate a greater confidence in God's promise to take care of him (13:8-13)?
11. What expanded promises does the Lord give to Abram (13:14-17)?
12. Why do you think the Lord chooses this moment to speak to him?
13. How can Abram's experience in these two chapters encourage you to trust your needs more fully to God?
Thank God for the way he has met one of your recent needs.
Now or Later
Write down any fork in the road ahead that may call for you to make a decision of this kind.
Genesis 12 - 13
Suppose God asked you to leave all that is familiar - your home, family, friends - and follow him into another part of the country or world. How would you feel as you said goodbye and moved out into a radically different lifestyle?
I would probably be sad to leave my family and friends and would feel anxious and fearful about what I would find at the new location.
GROUP DISCUSSION. Tell about an occasion when you believed God was asking you to take a step involving uncertainty or risk.
Moving out to CA (sight unseen) from NJ when my husband got a job offer. My son was only 2 mos. old. We were married for only 11 months and it was difficult to leave the place where I grew up. But I love CA now and would never want to live in NJ again!
PERSONAL REFLECTION. What was the reaction of family or friends to a decision you've made to follow the Lord on a new, perhaps risky, path?
My parents didn't like that I was moving so far away. But with airplanes, we had the opportunity to see each other often (unlike Abram and Lot). Currently, I am partnering with an ex-gay ministry over the internet. My family thinks it's a waste of time and I have often been accused of being bigoted and hateful to promote the idea that homosexuals can change through the saving grace of Jesus Christ. I'm also "out there" with a website, message board and blog which are all dedicated to promoting Biblical Christianity and sharing the Gospel of Christ with anyone willing to read what I write and share. It has been an amazing experience. My new friend in Jerusalem calls it "my ministry."
In this study we can learn from the example of Abram as he responds to God's call. Read Genesis 12.
1. In 12:1-5 what command and promise does the Lord give to Abram?
God told Abram to leave his country, people, father's household and go to a land that God will show him. The promise was to make him into a great nation and God will bless him. His name will be great and God will bless those who bless him and curse those who curse him. All peoples of the earth will be blessed through Abram.
2. Describe in your own words what is involved for Abram and his family to leave their homes and relatives (12:4-5).
They had to take all their possessions, including the people who worked for them.
3. What do you think his obedience cost him in personal relationships?
He probably lost many friends and lost touch with parts of his extended family. Perhaps there was anger at him for leaving them, too.
4. What additional promise and encouragement does God give to Abram as he arrives in Canaan and how does he respond (12:6-9)?
The Lord promised to give the land to Abram's offspring. Abram built an altar to the Lord.
5. What guidance or encouragement has God provided to you as you followed his call into an unfamiliar and frightening situation?
Whenever I plan to write about a subject that I know will elicit controversy, I rely on God's Word, not my own feelings or words, to communicate the message. When I respond to someone who has criticized what I share, I pray about it and the Lord always come through. He guides me to a Scripture verse, a Christian song, an example in my life, an answered prayer, an example of prophecy to show that the Bible is truth, God's Word and Jesus Christ is the Living Word. The Lord helps me to not answer in anger, but in truth and His wisdom from the Bible.
6. In verses 10-16 how does Abram's scheming show a lack of faith?
He promoted a lie in order to not be killed. He didn't trust in the Lord to protect him. The lie just grew and grew and led to Abram's wife Sarai to be taken as a wife by Pharoah. Abram was treated well with possessions and comfort, but he acquired them through the result of a lie.
7. How does the Lord save Abram from his own deception (12:17-20)?
Abram's lie was found out, which often happens in life. The Lord saved Abram by inflicting serious diseases upon Pharoah and his household because of Abram's wife Sarai. When Pharoah found out about the deception, he sent them away.
8. Describe a time when you took matters into your own hands instead of trusting God's faithfulness. What were the results for you and others involved?
I tried to keep my daughter away from a thug boyfriend in H.S. This led to a long period of time of distrust. He was abusive and mean and she just took it, thinking it was true love despite the fact that he intentionally harmed her emotionally, and at times, physically too. One night when the situation looked extremely grievous, I screamed and hit my daughter. I never hit my kids for discipline when they were growing up. I instantly felt terrible and sad. I ended up on the floor crying and sobbing to the Lord to help me. I gave it all to Him in complete surrender in this situation. I was done trying to do things in my own strength. Miracle of miracles, my daughter attended a Billy Graham ministry event the next day and re-dedicated her life to the Lord. This terrible relationship had finally ended and I had my daughter back! What a lesson for both of us. She now knew what type of boy to avoid in the future and I realized the fact that as the Scriptures say, "with man this is impossible; but with God, all things are possible."
9. Read Genesis 13. What problem arises between Abram and Lot in 13:1-7?
The land couldn't support both of their flocks, herds and tents. Their workers were quarreling too.
10. How does Abram's action here demonstrate a greater confidence in God's promise to take care of him (13:8-13)?
He didn't want quarreling between himself and Lot and their workers. So he took a step out in faith and encouraged them to part. He gave Lot the choice on which way to go.
11. What expanded promises does the Lord give to Abram (13:14-17)?
The Lord promised to give the land to Abram and his offspring FOREVER. Abram's offspring would be like the dust...can't count them all.
12. Why do you think the Lord chooses this moment to speak to him?
Because the next chapter reveals that Abram needed to rescue Lot who had been taken captive from the four kings that defeated the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah. They took Lot away and all of his possessions. Fortunately, one man escaped and told Abram and Abram took 318 men to rescue Lot and retrieve all of his possessions.
13. How can Abram's experience in these two chapters encourage you to trust your needs more fully to God?
God will lead our lives in the direction that is in His Will for us if we will let Him. When we make a mistake, He can rescue us. He will provide the means and wherewithal to protect and rescue us, even when the situation looks dire and without hope.
Thank God for the way he has met one of your recent needs.
Now or Later
Write down any fork in the road ahead that may call for you to make a decision of this kind.
I see this as a profound lesson in "letting go" now that my children are 'legally' adults. I want to still protect them from every evil, harm, bad influence, bad persons and bad decisions that are out there. But I now realize that I have to rely on God to do all of that. I can remind them of the guidance I gave them in their childhoods and the obedience to the Lord that is expected of them, but I can't force them to lead the kind of life that the Lord would want for them. Sometimes they will just have to learn on their own. I will love them through it all; the good, the bad, and the ugly. All the while, praying for them to be protected, make the right decisions in life, and keep the Lord first and foremost in their lives. I have to trust that with God leading them, they will make it through.
Christinewjc, at 7:04 AM
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