The Creation: Our Special Place in the World
The Creation: Our Special Place in the World
Genesis 1:1-2:3
Have you ever been involved in a discussion about creation? Do you wonder why it generates so much controversy? This study will help you understand the author's original purpose and what it can mean for us today.
GROUP DISCUSSION. Briefly tell about the most beautiful place you have ever seen. How has that experience increased your appreciation for the Creator?
PERSONAL REFLECTION. Spend some time praising God for his creation.
Like other books in the Bible, Genesis 1 describes natural events in popular and nontechnical language. It reports them as they appear to the average person without explaining exactly how they take place. The emphasis is on the who and why, the Creator and his purposes in creation.
Read Genesis 1:1 - 2:3.
Discussion Questions:
1. As the passage is read, what words and phrases do you find repeated?
2. Describe in your own words how the earth appears at the outset.
3. In what ways do God's creative commands during the first three days add form to the formless earth (1:3-13)?
4. How do God's commands during the next three days add fullness to the empty earth (1:14-25)?
5. In what ways does God view his creation as being good (1;4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25)?
6. The creation account reveals that God brings order, beauty and harmony out of an originally chaotic situation. In what areas do you need to trust God to produce these qualities in your life?
7. What does it mean to be made in the image of God (1:26-27)?
8. What special commands and provisions does God give to the man and woman in his creation (1:28-31)?
9. How is the seventh day uniquely different from the other six (2:1-3)?
10. In our culture how can we experience the "rest" described here?
11. In light of what you have learned about God in this study, how can you reflect his image in practical ways during the next seven days?
Ask God to continue to teach you what it means to live as one made in his image.
Now or Later
List the various kinds of human creativity - including your own- that reflect God's creativity. What does this reveal to you about God?
GROUP DISCUSSION. Briefly tell about the most beautiful place you have ever seen. How has that experience increased your appreciation for the Creator?
I would have to say that it was a scene of a pristine, white sandy beach with the clear blue waters of soft gentle waves crashing to the shore amidst a cloudless and clear blue sky in Kauai! We were on an ATV tour and our tourguides brought us to an area where we could look out and see this famous beach. It was used in many films including the movie called, "Six Days, Seven Nights" starring Harrison Ford and Anne Heche.
I can see the beauty and absolute perfection of the original Creation made by God when I see places so beautiful as this beach in Kauai.
PERSONAL REFLECTION. Spend some time praising God for his creation.
Father God, I just want to praise you for Who you are, the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. Thank you for creating such a wonderful and beautiful world for us to live in. Though man has marred the perfection of the original creation with sin, You have taken it upon Yourself to offer redemption through your perfect Son, Jesus Christ. This is our future hope as we live for you here and now and look forward to eternity with you in Your Kingdom. Amen
1. As the passage is read, what words and phrases do you find repeated?
I found the phrases, "Let there be" repeated and "And God saw that it was good." Also, "and there was evening and there was morning" after each day of Creation.
2. Describe in your own words how the earth appears at the outset.
The earth appeared formless and empty and there was only darkness over water.
3. In what ways do God's creative commands during the first three days add form to the formless earth (1:3-13)?
God separated the darkness by speaking into existance light. He separated the water from the expanse called sky. He gathered the water and let dry ground appear. Then vegetation appeared.
4. How do God's commands during the next three days add fullness to the empty earth (1:14-25)?
He created the sun, stars, planets, and moon across the universe. He filled the oceans with creatures and the air with birds. He created land animals according to their kind.
5. In what ways does God view his creation as being good (1:4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25)?
He saw each completed act of creation as good. I found it interesting that God stated 6 times that "it was good", then, after creating man, he stated that it was "very" good. (vs. 31) Thus, man is the focal point of all of his creation. The number 7 represents completion, and creation wasn't complete until God created man in his own image.
6. The creation account reveals that God brings order, beauty and harmony out of an originally chaotic situation. In what areas do you need to trust God to produce these qualities in your life?
I think that I need to learn to trust Him more. Sometimes I worry about the culture and what sinful people are doing to destroy the Law of God here. I also worry about the future of my children. We are not to sit idlely by and let evil run roughshod over us for God has told us to be "salt and light" in this fallen world. With that in mind, I need to always remember Jesus' words: "In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! For I have overcome the world." That is the hope we have in Christ Jesus and NO ONE can snatch us out of His hands! No matter what happens on this earth, evil, sin, death, and satan are defeated foes for the Christian believer and thus whom shall I fear?
7. What does it mean to be made in the image of God (1:26-27)?
That we have been instilled with his personal attributes including a sense of right and wrong through our built-in conscience, ability to love, ability to reason, create, and speak. Unlike all the other animals, we have all of these abilities. We have free will and self-determination. We reflect God's character when we show love, forgiveness, faithfulness, kindness, and patience. We can know, no matter what we look like on the outside that God loves us and we are very valuable to Him. No where else can this sense of self-worth be shown as vividly by God who sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for the salvation of our souls. There is no greater love in all the universe!
(to be continued)
Christinewjc, at 11:22 AM
I don't know if I can pick just one beautiful place. I grew up on a lake and we lived in a house that had a waterfront view. I still enjoy the beauty of the water and the reflection of the trees off of it. I usually find beauty and intrigue in the sky. It never stays the same and whether full of big white fluffy clouds or a clear blue sky - I find it beautiful. It is especially beautiful when the sun is rising or setting. I have witnessed many rainbows and one came this summer as I was on my way to the grave of my stepfather. It was a clear vibrant double rainbow - full of promise and communication from God.
I also live where we have change in seasons. The color of the leaves in the fall is tremendous. There is nothing I enjoy more than hiking in the woods during the fall and taking in the beautiful landscade God created for us. I could go on and on - but these are a few things that stand out to me.
Father God - you alone are good and perfect and never changing. You have blessed us with so much beauty to enjoy on this earth. I know the things we now see are only a glimpse of what is to come. I know the place you are preparing cannot be imagined by my human mind - but I am excited just thinking about it. Thank you for all that you do to show me proof of your existance. You are truely an awesome God, caring about every detail of my life.
1. "And God said, let there be..."; "God saw that it was good."; "And it was so..."; "And there was evening and there was morning..."; "God blessed them and said, Be fruitful and increase in number...";
2. Formless, empty and dark - with God's Spirit present
3. Light was created and separated from darkness. God separated water and called it sky. He gathered the water together to create dry land. He produced vegetation to bear seed and fruit.
4. He filled the sky with lights to serve certain purposes. He filled the water and land with animals to increase and grow.
5. God saw the competion of each thing He created as being good. It was as He intended for it to be.
6. I'm not sure. Sometimes in the business of life, God gets lost or pushed back into last place. I guess I also continue to struggle with seeing order, beauty and harmony in Kristin's life. I do know God has a purpose and it's all in His timing, but I do lose sight of that each time she suffers. I walk into the nursing home where she is and see all the deformities and struggles and cannot help but wonder why. It doesn't make me question who God is, but just what it is He's doing. I have this fear of not getting what I'm supposed to out of this situation. Although I know my faith is only alive and strong today because I was forced to seek God thru his Word, because of Kristin.
7. I think of my Spirit - my eternal being, also the need to fellowship with God and other humans - the need for love and companionship. I also think of how God does for us because He loves us and how we desire to do for others to show love. He is our Father and he looks out for our evey need. We as parents, do the same for our children.
This has been a good study time today. I will post more later.
Jojo, at 10:48 AM
Hi Jojo!
So glad you found this blog and replied! I enjoyed reading your responses so much. I also empathize with you regarding the "whys" for Kristins' struggles. I wish I had an answer to share with you. But I think that your comment here says a lot:
"Although I know my faith is only alive and strong today because I was forced to seek God thru his Word, because of Kristin."
On a much lesser degree, I, too struggled and was "angry at God" when my son was severely burned through an accident at our house when he was 2 1/2 years old. That incident (written about on my Talkwisdom blog) plus several other terrible incidences ended up turning me back to God, attending church, and studying the Bible. Of course I can't know if that was the purpose and/or only reason that these things happened. But the end result DID lead to my redemption through Jesus Christ; which then led to the redemption of, my children, my husband, my dad and several others.
Thanks again for posting. I look forward to the rest of your answers, too!
Love in Him,
Christinewjc, at 11:52 AM
8. What special commands and provisions does God give to the man and woman in his creation (1:28-31)?
God's commands included being fruitful and multiplying so they were to have children and, increase in number and subdue the earth. We were given dominion over the earth to care and protect it. We were given the command to have children. Man rules over every other creature (fish, birds, animals) on the earth.
God's provisions included every seed-bearing plant, tree with fruit. Originally, it appears that just plants were given for food.
When God saw all that he had made, it was labeled, "very good". Man was the epitome and focal point of His creation.
9. How is the seventh day uniquely different from the other six (2:1-3)?
It was the day that God finished his creative work and he rested. God blessed the seventh day and made it holy.
10. In our culture how can we experience the "rest" described here?
By ceasing to work, rest, and taking the time to pray and worship the Lord. Since God rested on that seventh day of creation, we should follow His lead and rest on the Sabbath day as well.
11. In light of what you have learned about God in this study, how can you reflect his image in practical ways during the next seven days?
Ask God to continue to teach you what it means to live as one made in his image.
I think that reflecting His image involves recognizing His character and doing our best to reflect what he has taught us in the Ten Commandments, the Sermon on the Mount, and through the revelation of the Fruit of the Spirit. Galations 5:22 tells us what the fruit of the Spirit includes, and Ephesians 5:9 tells us the character of God reflected to us in the fruit of the Spirit. They include goodness, righteousness and truth.
Gal 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
Eph 5:9 (For the fruit of the Spirit [is] in all goodness and righteousness and truth
Despite all the turmoil going on in the world, we know Whose Hands we are in now and will be throughout eternity. We do not need to fear as those without the Lord fear and through sharing the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ, we will be following Christ's command to "go and teach the gospels to all nations." This is how we can reflect that we are made in His image.
Now or Later
List the various kinds of human creativity - including your own- that reflect God's creativity. What does this reveal to you about God?
Human creativity is a direct gift from God. No other animal has the mind/abilities to create from what God has given us on this earth. Man's creative mind is far above the rest of the animals, just as I'm sure that God's creative mind is far above ours. But we get a glimpse of God's glorious creativity through was has been made.
Man can create through all of his senses; sight, sound, smell, touch, taste as well as from his mind. The list of things created would be enormously long. New creativity arises so rapidly each day now that it's hard to keep up! Who would have thought that what has been accomplished over the last century would have led to the extraordinary age of computers? God knew! He instilled in us a creative mind that has come from His image. I know that many people take so much pride in their scientific achievements. But the truth is that all of our achievements are only minicule to the Mind of God. We can only continually try and 'catch up' to the creative power of God who knew 2,000 years ago (much of which can be seen as revealed in prophecy) where man and his abilities would be in the year 2005!
For example. During the time of Jesus, think about how difficult it would be to travel and preach throughout the whole world. Now, with the advent of computers, a person on the other side of the world could be shown the gospel message in seconds!
Christinewjc, at 11:55 AM
Additional Study Notes:
Part 1: Creations & Primeval History
Study 1. Genesis 1:1 - 2;3. The Creation
Purpose: To consider the greatness of the Creator and the magnificence of his creation as well as our special place in the world.
General note. Inductive Bible study calls for faithfulness to the inspired text. The discussion needs to be informed and guided by the passage. As we open our minds and hearts to its message, the Holy Spirit will illuminate the Scripture and apply it to our individual needs.
The goal is not ot master the biblical passage, but to help the members hear from themselves a relevant word from the Lord.
Question 1. Although everything has a beginning, God has always existed.
Question 3. Someone may ask about the length of the days. Over the centuries the meaning of the word 'day' has been vigorously dbated. There have been four main interpretations: (1) each day represents a twenty-four houir period; (2) the days are long periods that can be correlated with gfeological epochs; (3) the writer saw creation in a series of six visions given oveer six days; and (4) the days are arranged in a literary structure that does not intend to give chromological sequence or duration.
(Note from Christine: One Scripture verse discusses that a 'day' is as 1,000 years and vice versa:
2Pe 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day [is] with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.)
The meaning of 'day' cannot be decided on the basis of this chapter alone, nor is it necessary to decide which view is correct in order to appreciate the author's message. Rememvber, this account was first given to Israel when they were coming out of slavery in Egypt and needed to know the Who of creation, not the how. Genesis 1 does not comment on the method of creation; it focuses on the pwer or God's creative word and the magnificence of the results.
Question 7. Note that ancient kings often wore the image of their god. Genesis affirms that every person is made in the image of God. THat involves - at the very least awareness of self, ability to make choices, sense of community and creativity.
Question 8. "Rule over" does not mean exploitation. Humankind was to rule over the animal world even as God does - for their own good.
God provides food. In aqncient myths and religions the gods created humanity as an afterthought. In Genesis we see creating Adam and Eve as God's goal in creation; their welfare was God's supreme concern.
Christinewjc, at 11:25 AM
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