God's Creative Call

Monday, January 16, 2006

A Wife for Isaac: God's Guidance & Care

Genesis 24:1 - 25:11

How do you go about discovering God's will in a specific situation? When you think you understand it, do you simply wait or do you work toward its fulfillment? Although the Bible gives no formulas or blueprints, it does illustrate certain principles we can apply.

GROUP DISCUSSION. When you think of God's guidance, what causes you the greatest difficulty?

PERSONAL REFLECTION. Look back on your life to the various ways God has guided you. Take time to thank God for what comes to mind.

In this study Abraham continues to wind up his affairs by arranging for the sure succession of his line. Here we have the fascinating story of the way he went about securing the right wife for his son Isaac. Read Genesis 24:1-27.

1. What do you think are Abraham's main concerns when he gives instruction to his servant (24:1-9)?

2. When the servant arrives at his distination, he offers the first prayer for guidance recorded in the bible. What does he specifically ask of God (24:10-14)?

3. From 24:15-25 describe Rebekah in your own words.

4. What does the servant's prayer in 24:26-27 reveal about his own relationship with God?

5. Read Genesis 24:28-66. In 24:28-33 what are your impressions of Laban?

6. How does the servant's account in 24:34-49 reveal his excitement and awe at the Lord's guidance?

7. The servant did not ask for a vision or miraculous event but for guidance through clear signs in natural circumstances. When has God guided you this way?

8. How does Rebekah's family react to these unexpected events, and in what way is she involved in the decision-making (24:50-60)?

9. Describe the return of Rebekah with her servant and what her arrival must have meant to Isaac.

10. How can this account of God's providing a wife for Isaac be an example to us of God's guidance and loving care?

11. Read Genesis 25:1-11. What do we learn about Abraham's final years?

12. How would you sum up his life in one sentence?

13. What is the most important lesson you have learned from studying the life of Abraham?

Thank God for the example of Abraham's life, showing both failure and faith.

Now or Later
List all that you have learned from Abraham about his relationship with God and God's covenant with him.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

The Sacrifice of Isaac: Ultimate Faith & Obedience

Genesis 22 - 23

Suppose God asked you to give up someone or something at the very center of your life - a loved one, your home, profession or plans for the future. How would you respond? Sometimes God calls us to follow him in ways that don't make sense to us.

GROUP DISCUSSION. How have you felt when God seems to be calling you to a new course of action that is contrary to guidance he had already given?

PERSONAL REFLECTION. In what family relationship is your obedience to the will of God causing some strain?

In this study we walk with Abraham through a valley of testing in a soul-wracking experience. His example can help us learn how God provides for those who honor him with their trust.
Read Genesis 22.

1. In 22:1-2 what phrases emphasize the importance and difficulty of God's command?

2. Describe some of the thoughts and emotions you would have if you were Abraham.

3. What do the details of the narrative reveal about Abraham's response to this incredibly difficult assignment (22:3-10)?

4. Notice God's words to Abraham in 22:12. Based on Abraham's example what does it mean to "fear" God?

5. How does God's provision in 22:13-14 fulfill the confidence Abraham expresses in 22:5, 8?

6. Describe a time when obedience to God required you to give up someone or something you loved.

How did the Lord provide for you in that difficult time?

7. In verses 15-19 why is it an especially appropriate time for the Lord to reaffirm his promises?

8. Read Genesis 23. When Abraham decides to bury Sarah among the Hittites, how do they react to his first request (23:1-6)?

9. How does he then proceed to secure her grave (23:7-16)?

10. Why do you think Abraham persists in his desire to own the burial plot?

11. How was the purchase of her grave a sign of trust that God was going to give them their own land?

12. How can these two chapters encourage us to trust God when we still don't see the answers to our pressing needs?

Pray that God will increase your trust in him as you walk paths of uncertainty.

Now or Later

In what ways do you find yourself identifying with Abraham in this test of faith and obedience?